Meet Ryan Tator…Or as we fondly call him…Tator Tot Hot Dish…Cause he’s the hottest casserole in town-(SINGLE too… would make any mom proud) …Many of you know the story behind Ryan – So if you do…Repeat…Twenty-something years ago this little 13 yr old stud muffin was walking his dog. We just opened. We were a hot mess. He was our neighbour. Wrong Place? Wrong Time? NOPE!! Right Place! Right Time! ( for us anyway) Ryan started bussing tables for us that night and we have never looked back. Ryan is so many wonderful things – TOO MANY TO COUNT. But since we have to start somewhere… Here goes – Ryan is: Professional- Sincere – Honorable – Respectful – Hard Working – Has Strong Moral Principles – Noble – Ethical – Trust Worthy – Loyal – Nonjudgmental – AND… Has the utmost respect from EVERY SINGLE employee. All 68 of us. He never fuels gossip…Restaurants are no exception to workplace gossip. Not once has he ever been a target of/ or has partaken in gossip. Ryan is also an amazing leader. He manages our busy restaurant and does all those things many of us are unwilling to do. He sweeps the mess off the floor. He carries the heavy trays for the staff. He helps buss tables. He changes the paper towel dispenser (you would be surprised) He works alongside his team. He shows his allegiance to them. He. Never. Slacks. Off. Ryan is one hell of a leader. His display of dignity demonstrates exactly what makes him so great. He is valued beyond words. Did we mention single???