Meet Vale…Or as we know him…”Rico Suave” – Cause he is both “Rico AND “Suave”…Vale has been with Victoria’s for over 10 years. We are saddened that we only have him throughout the summers, and on his occasional breaks from college. He is, by far, the most optimistic person here. He shows up to work each day with an eager that cannot be matched. He has fashioned a routine of double – shifts – every chance he gets. This guy can work… And work… And work… And work… And NEVER show a single thread of exhaustion.
the sheer volume he deals with daily is limitless. He quite obviously doesn’t need to keep track of the barnyard animals to fall asleep. He must be “out like a light” when his head hits the pillow. Vale can also roll with the punches like no other. He maintains optimism through every challenge presented and is totally unfazed in anxious situations.
Vale has unconscious reasoning that puts it all into perspective. He is: unflappable – accountable-responsible – collected – athletic- handsome- competent-happy-honest-and a true gentleman. If the way he treats his mom is a glimpse into the depths of his character, he is the REAL DEAL.